SpectraPure Elite High Performance RODI

SpectraPure Elite High Performance RODI

SpectraPure's RODI Systems:

Leaders in the market for creating ultra pure RO & DI (de-ionized) water for your reef tank.

If you are looking for ultra-pure RODI water, a system that takes all the guesswork out of keeping your top of the line reef tank performing at its best while also teaming with you on your efforts preserve water, look no further than SpectraPure’s MaxCap award winning super advanced pumped systems: The Mega Max Cap Performance Plus and MaxCap 1:1 Ultra High Efficiency 100 200 and 400 Gallon Per Day RODI Systems!

Technologies found only in more complex low waste water RO systems:

The Mega MaxCap® Performance Plus™ incorporates an integral booster pump to maintain membrane feed pressure. Also included is a microprocessor controlled pure water flush cycle to maintain high rejection ratios and increased membrane longevity.

Perfect for the Water Conservationist:

The Mega Max Cap Performance Plus is perfect for the water conservationist as it is capable of 100 gallons per day with a 1:1 waste water ratio. Making it 100% more efficient than the Max Cap 90 and 180 and perfect for minimizing waste water. It also uses our newest High Performance Enduro™DI filter for a more polished product water, adding even more to the convenience of plug and play performance while optimizing the lifespan of your system.

The Ferrari's of SpectraPure’s RODI Systems:

The MaxCap 1:1 Ultra High Efficiency 100 200 and 400 Gallon Per Day RODI Systems which are similar to the Performance Plus but puts more advanced control in your hands offering up the ability to fine tune and adjust performance based on variations of incoming water temperature, pressure and quality. This system is for the elite reef tank enthusiast that insists on having a hands on approach. Need help? Contact us for a complimentary assessment at sales@spectrapure.com or (480) 894-5437.

Our experts love helping you achieve your dream reef environment.

If you have a challenge, we have your solution!

Thanks for choosing SpectraPure your one stop resource for keeping your water pure and perfectly balanced for life!

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