Quality is Quality and THAT’s the SpectraPure Difference!

Quality is Quality and THAT’s the SpectraPure Difference!

At SpectraPure, we value our distributors and their confidence in our product lines. In fact, their confidence is what has allowed us to make the greatest possible impact in the aquarium industry. Paul Almeter is the owner of Vasca Aquarium Supply and a distributor of more than 5,000 aquarium products. Paul has partnered with SpectraPure to sell RODI water filtration systems for more than 20 years!

As an avid reef hobbyist, Almeter realized there was a lack of distribution in the emerging saltwater and reef aquarium markets. Not only does he credit SpectraPure with having the greatest name recognition in the industry, but he also credits SpectraPure's founder, Charles Mistis, with having a deep understanding of the core group of water purification products and delivering the highest quality available today.

SpectraPure refuses to go outside of the U.S. for manufacturing, which means that quality standards can be maintained at the highest level possible.

At SpectraPure, we pride ourselves on helping you make pure water so that you can thoroughly enjoy your aquarium.

Visit our website to learn how our RODI has changed the industry.

At SpectraPure we want to be your pure water partner for life! That is why we design each of our product lines to both outperform and outlive other similar systems.

Need help but don’t know where to start? Start with a complimentary five-point assessment with our SpectraCare team! We would love helping you achieve your dream reef environment.

Contact us at sales@spectrapure.com or (480) 894-5437 and we will show you what quality is all about!

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