Enjoy More Time Relaxing as You Watch Your Gorgeous Indoor Reef!
Enjoy More Time Relaxing as You Watch Your Gorgeous Indoor Reef!
For the reef tank enthusiast who wants more time to enjoy gazing at their seascapes and dreaming up new additions for their perfect underwater haven, but dreads the time and effort it takes to keep that tank water pure, changed, topped off, ph balanced and properly mineralized, we at SpectraPure understand your pain, and offer up four ways to enjoy more time basking and less time tasking over your gorgeous indoor reef!
Learn how all of our magical reef tank families of products can help you keep your reef tank happy and healthy year round, by taking some or all of the hassle and guesswork once associated with reefing - and making them a thing of the past!
1 Pure RODI Water:
First things first, you need pure water. Grocery stores are convenient, however you don’t know how well the machines are maintained.
Fish stores are often the better choice because they understand the importance of maintaining their systems for reefing.
Most sell reverse osmosis deionized water or RODI which is what most reefers prefer, and some even sell it pre-mixed with salt. However having to go get the water for your water changes is not very convenient.
By purchasing an RODI system, top-off and water changes are made simple - and add to that, a solid water change schedule and you have a formula for long term success.
Pure water is the cornerstone of SpectraPure’s success and something we are are absolutely passionate about. From Reef Tank Starter kits to High Performance RODI systems like our MaxCap 90 and 180 to High efficiency Pump Systems like our SpectraPure MaxCap and Mega MaxCap RODI Systems capable of de-ionizing 90 to 400 gallons per day, we offer up a full spectrum of solutions ensuring one thing: that your reef water is ultra pure and your SpectraPure filtration system both outperforms and outlives other similar systems in each class of water purification solution we offer.
2 Water Exchange:
Once you have pure water, getting it into and out of your tank for water exchanges is another story. You can either remove the old water and replace it yourself which can be both messy and back wrenching or install a pump that pulls old water out and pumps new water in.
Sounds like a no brainer right? But not all water exchanging systems are created equal.
The SpectraPure Liter Meter III for example is an automatic dosing and programmable controller with a timer and has the ability to store and calibrate the fluid flow rates of three individual peristaltic pumps from distances as far away as 25 feet.
The aquarium water exchange system is capable of water exchanges set to a specific volume per every 24 hours. So, no more drastic swings between the worst to best water with each water change, with the Liter Meter you will see your water at its best all the time.
Whether you are changing your water manually or continually with our LiterMeter, replacing the exact amount of water that you are removing eventually results in a drop in your water levels because even the most precise water changes don’t account for the drop in water caused by evaporation. With SpectraPure’s Auto-Top-Off system your optimal water levels will always be maintained.
4 Precision Dosing:
Evaporation not only affects the water levels but the saline and mineral balance of your water as well.
Our Precision Dosing and water Exchange Systems can be used to supply the correct amounts of saline and soluble mineral replenishments needed for the aquarium water level controller.
Complete Versatility:
Each of our systems are designed to work hand in hand or stand alone to compliment any set-up.
Need help? Contact us for a complimentary assessment at sales@spectrapure.com or (480) 894-5437.
Our experts love helping you achieve your dream reef environment.